BEAVER MEADOWS - An Assisted Living Personal Care Community
BEAVER MEADOWS - An Assisted Living Personal Care Community
Beaver Meadows
5130 Tuscarawas Road
Beaver, PA 15009
PH: 724-495-1600
Fax: 724-495-2248
A History of Care & Service
With more than 30 years of service in Beaver County, HAP Enterprises has the proven experience and dedication to our community. In 1999, HAP Enterprises extended that service to create HAP Senior Care, a nonprofit organization that provides assisted living services to seniors living in the Beaver Valley. Beaver Meadows, our 83 bed assisted living community, offers residents a comfortable, safe and relaxed atmosphere they can be proud to call home. As the only nonprofit assisted-living community in the area, residents benefit from comfortable, attractive decor at an affordable price.
Beaver Meadows is committed to providing support to people as they maintain their optimal level of independence and well-being. We believe for individuals to accomplish this they must be:
* Regarded as the most important members of our family.
* Treated with dignity and courtesy.
* Cherished as a valuable source of knowledge and wisdom, and provided with opportunities to grow and learn.
* Embraced in a safe environment that provides quality care and promotes quality of life.
* Treated as an individual and applauded for their unique traits and abilities.
* Surrounded by loving, caring, compassionate people who support and facilitate this philosophy.
“ Our mother, Velma, was one of the first to become a resident of "the meadows", and it has been a pleasure for us to share that experience with her since... read moreâ€
Linda N. and Carol P., Family Members
Copyright © 2008 Beaver Meadows. All Rights Reserved.
