Barnabas Court At Brevillier Village
Barnabas Court At Brevillier Village
5416 East Lake Road , Erie
Pa - 16511
(814) 899-8600
Personal Care Services
Personal Care services are provided in Barnabas Court. Barnabas Court North offers housing for residents with dementia and those who need moderate physical assistance. Both semi-private and private rooms are available. Barnabas Court South offers residents an efficiency apartment complete with a full bath and kitchenette. Residents receive minimum to moderate assistance. Both buildings offer 24 hours nursing care along with assistance with activities of daily living. A congregate dining room encourages fellowship. There are many recreational activities available daily which include social, educational and spiritual activities.
Personal Care Services
Licensed practical nurses and nursing assistants in the building 24 hours per day.
Licensed practical nurses administer medication.
Assistance with grooming, toileting, and bathing.
Weekly housekeeping services.
Daily bed-making assistance.
Social Services available.
Recreational activities available within Barnabas Court and throughout the Village.
Three meals per day.
Limited therapeutic and special diets monitored and maintained per physician request.
On-site rehabilitation program.
Transistional, short-term placement available.
Consultants' services available as needed.
Hospice care offered.
Residents and families join staff in preparing goal-orientated care plan.
Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Licensure.
