Easy Living Estates of New Stanton
Easy Living Estates of New Stanton
One Easy Living Drive, Hunker, PA 15639
Easy Living Estates of New Stanton is a spacious facility that can accommodate up to 108 residents. It's located on 7.5 acres near the Pennsylvania Turnpike and Interstate 70, with additional acreage available for development of a separate residential community.
A Diversity of Services
Independent Living
Residents live in apartments independent from the assisted living and personal care environment. They can take advantage of the meals and select their daily activities without personal supervision. Cleaning and maintanence is all included in the service. They live an independent life and maintain transportation knowing if supervision would be desired it is available to your asking.
Assisted Living
Assisted living is for residents who require little more than socialization but may be unable or unwilling to manage their environment. Many can manage the activities of daily living with minimum assistance; many remain involved with the community, and some still drive. They come and go as they desire, and while they utilize allservices, they still maintain normal privacy.
Personal Care
Personal care services are for those unable or unwilling to care for themselves. Typically, they require assistance with one or more activities of daily living, including but not limited to bathing and personal hygiene; dressing and care of clothing, provision of meals or feeding, toileting; mobility; assistance with prescribed medication. They mayrequire supervision due to declining mental or physical status that prevent them from functioning without assistance.
Respite Care
In addition, we are pleased to offer short-term respite services that provide a welcome break for caregiviers. To help, we'll care for residents as short as one day or as long as desired. Fees for respite care are on a daily basis plus an initial admission fee of $150.00. The average per day price is $75.00. We can care for your loved one while you are on vacation or just need a break from the caregiver role.
Home Health Care Service
Home Health nursing is an integral component of personal care. It is a tremendous benefit to the residents with health problems. Personal Care/Assisted Living facilities are considered your home, therefore qualifying for Medicare for this service. In another word, it is Medicare who pays the bill.
A "Plan of Care" is developed with the physician who then approves all the care and therapies that are to be provided to the resident while at Easy Living Estates. The home care nurses work with our staff on instructions and assistance for all procedures. The home care staff is available 24 hours to answer questions or concerns by the staff for resident care. It is your choice which agency you wish to provide the service for your home health care needs.
The following services are offered:
* Physical Therapy
* Occupational Therapy
* Speech Pathology
* Incontinence Therapy
* Massage Therapy
* Home Health Services
* X-ray Services
* Wound Care
* Visual Therapy
* Orthopedics
* Neurological Therapy
* Back & Hand Rehabilitation
* Balance Rehabilitation
* Hospice Care
* Podiatry Care
* Community-based Services
By offering such a broad diversity of services, Easy Living Estates provides the maximum freedom of choice for residents... and a high comfort level for residents and their families. Exercise equipment, gym, physical therapy room, and a doctor's office are all on the premises for your convenience.
Copyright © 2001 Easy Living Estates. All rights reserved.
