Edgewood Heights
Edgewood Heights
612 Keck Avenue
New Bethlehem, PA 16242
(814) 275-2790
Administrator: Lori Smith
A WRC Assisted Living Community
Established in 1997, Edgewood Heights is a charming and cozy assisted living community in the town of New Bethlehem. Perched on a wooded hillside, Edgewood Heights has the beauty of a country setting with the convenience of downtown just moments away. With accommodations for just 40 residents, Edgewood Heights has a family atmosphere and features many areas where residents can socialize and enjoy recreational activities together. At Edgewood Heights, healthy aging is promoted through engaging leisure activities, delicious, catered meals, regular nursing supervision and medication management. Residents can flourish in the active and independent lifestyle offered by assisted living, where they receive the additional healthcare and social support they need.
Restaurant-style dining - Meals are provided with full table service. Residents order each meal from a menu that changes daily and offers a variety of choices.
Full linen service
Full laundry service
Private, semi-private and apartment accommodations
Individually controlled air conditioning/heating units
Beauty salon and barber shop services
Variety of leisure and recreational activities
Private dining room available for special events
Meeting accommodations for community groups
Outdoor patio, parlor and serene meditation room
Church services
