Orchard Manor Inc
Orchard Manor Inc
20 Orchard Drive , Grove City
Pa - 16127
(724) 458-7760
This is Orchard Manor
Because We Care
There is no better way to learn about our nursing facility and personal care/assisted living residence than to visit us. Come with us as we take you on a tour of Orchard Manor, and highlight those areas of interest to everyone...
One of the first areas you see as you enter our Home is the Receptionist Desk and Front Lobby. Visitors are always welcome to stop to ask for assitance, information or directions. Next to our Lobby area one will find our Front Solarium where Residents enjoy video movies on the big screen TV, activities and meetings. One may also choose to use the solarium as a quiet, private place for visiting with friends and family or for personal leisure time. Public restrooms are found directly across from the Front Solarium.
Our Reception Area
Also in the Lobby area are the Administrative, Billing/Accounting and Social Service/Admission offices. We encourage anyone with concerns or questions to ask for assistance from any of these departments.
As you enter the Nursing Home one finds the hallways brightly decorated and stimulating. Residents are easily informed on a daily basis of activities, birthdays and the daily menu.
The Main Dining Room
Perhaps one of the favorite places in Orchard Manor is the dining room found in Center Hall. The pleasant atmosphere with spacious windows and greenery is conducive to mealtime. Residents who require minimal assistance enjoy meals which are planned according to their doctor's orders and individual preference. Certified Dietary Managers plan and serve a well-rounded, attractive menu, which has been reviewed and approved by our Dietitian. Nourishment and snacks are served throughout the day. We are always open for suggestions from Residents and their families. In fact, families and friends are able to make arrangements to dine with Residents on occasion, and we are happy to provide assistance for birthday and anniversary parties, as well as holiday meals. Our special holidayand theme menus lend a break from the routine, as well as excitement numerous times throughout the year. The dining room is also used for large group activities such as bingo and special occasion parties.
Those Residents in need of assistance or supervision are served their meals in the solarium located on each wing. Certified nurse's aides are present to lend a hand as needed during mealtime. Many aspects of the individualized occupational and speech therapy programs are also carried out in the solariums at mealtime.
The B-Wing SolariumThe solarium areas are often used for activities such as Resident social hour, Church services, movies and musical programs. Residents and families alike enjoy visiting in the solarium. The enclosed porches adjacent to the solariums may also be used for visiting and activities.
Directly accross from the Main Dining Room is the Rehabilitation Department specializing in Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy programs. Therapies are offered by professional and caring therapists. Therapies are offered in-house and in our Pesonal Care/Assisted Living Residence.
A Private Resident RoomOur Resident rooms allow ample space for personal furnishings and privacy. Both private and semi-private rooms are available. Semi-private rooms are shared by two Residents. While furniture is provided by Orchard Manor, Residents are encouraged to bring in any items which will help with their transitions into the Home and provide a familiar, comfortable atmosphere. We are pleased when Residents and their families bring in a favorite chair, pictures, televisions and seasonal decorations. Families and staff members work together to ensure that rooms are attractive, homey and as personal as possible. All rooms have bathrooms, with central showers and baths located on each hall, as well as whirlpool tubs for those with a preference or doctor's order. Call bells are easily accessible to Residents in their rooms and bathrooms. Room placements are based on availability, and much consideration is given to Resident compatibility.
Residents of Orchard Manor are encouraged to be dressed and out of their rooms every day. We ask that items in need of dry cleaning not be used, and we will be happy to launder Resident clothing during their stay with us, as well as label their clothing upon admission. Many Residents choose to spend time at the nurse's station when not involved in other activities. The stations, located on each wing, serve as a center for medication, information and Resident and family needs. Residents may choose, at their expense, to have a phone installed in their room. Specified areas for the Podiatrist, Dentist, Optometrist and Hair Stylist are also found throughout the facility.
The Wander Guard system provides those Residents who may wander the opportunity to walk about the Home with as little restriction as possible, while alerting the staff if a Resident who may get lost or injured leaves the building. We take pride in the variety of activity programs that are offered, ranging from one-on-one activities on an individual level, to mid-size group activities for small group games and discussions to large group programs and entertainment. Our annual picnic has become a wonderful tradition for Residents and their families. The Home maintains a car and a van, not only to transport Residents to and from their doctor's office and other appointments, but also to enable Residents to take part in community programs, shopping trips and scenic rides.
Sunshine Way Alzheimer's/Dementia Unit is a secured unit for special people with special needs. A large dining/activity room encourages companionship. The "round room" at the end of the unit an area surrounded by windows and seating where Residents can participate in activities, visit, view the countryside landscape or wander about. Staff on Sunshine Way provide individualized care and a variety of specialized activities.
Orchard Manor Personal Care/Assisted Living Residence is located in the front of our facility. Twelve private rooms, eight with private baths and 4 with shared baths are available. The bathrooms are equiped a large walk-in showers to help Residents maintain independence with bathing. Although the rooms come furnished, Residents are encouraged to decorate according to their tastes and may bring furniture from home. A tastefully decorated dining room offers restaurant style meals and service. Seating areas and a community TV room allow for companionship and visiting. Residents may also enjoy the front porch and side patio. Free cable TV and laundry service are included in our daily rates.
Orchard Manor believes in a team approach to care-giving. Residents and families are encouraged to meet and participate with interdisciplinary staff members to develop an individualized plan of care. The social service department assists Residents prior to admission, as well as on a daily basis. Social services works with local agencies and other community services to assist those Residents who are able to return home, or who no longer require nursing home services. Input from Residents and their families is also a major goal of our Resident and Family Council meetings. Both groups keep us in touch with Residents and their needs and concerns.
This quick tour shows a little about our facility and the people who work hard to provide the best possible service. We didn't get here overnight. Our present facility is the result of many years of dedication in this field.
The best way to learn about our facility is to visit. We welcome visitors and questions, and feel that the best advice we can offer is to plan ahead and be aware of your options. We give you our word that we will continue to do our best "Because We Care".
